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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:0次

1、也许你望着月亮时,我正在想你。 Maybe when you look at the moon, I am thinking about you. 2、春风十里,不及相遇有你;晴空万里,不及心中有你。 Spring wind ten miles, less than meet you; Clear sky, less than the heart of you. 3、即使没有余生多多指教,也期盼此生羁绊永不磨灭。 Even if I don't have much advice for the rest of my life, I hope that the fetters of this life will never disappear. 4、不知道该想什么,所以我想你了。 I don't know what to think, so I miss you. 5、你是我最想见的人,但是我现在只能想想。 You are the person I want to see most, but I can only think about it now. 6、人被思念时,知或不知,已在思念者的怀里。 When people are missing, they are already in the arms of those who miss them. 7、日落时,我想起了你。 I think of you at sunset. 8、我想你,想永远陪伴你,让你每天都如意! I miss you, want to accompany you forever, let you every day! 9、多少人擦过了肩,却成为擦不掉的想念。 How many people have wiped their shoulders, but they miss each other. 10、有些爱,藏在回忆的角落,却不得不各安天涯。 Some love, hidden in the memory of the corner, but have to each end of the world. 11、原来我们只是对方生命里的过客,又何必怀念和纠结。 It turns out that we are just passers-by in each other's lives, so why miss and tangle. 12、尝尽了思念,却学会了不打扰。 Try to miss, but learned not to disturb. 13、我对你的思念犹如疯草,吞噬着我的心。 I miss you like mad grass, devouring my heart. 14、谎言,只是一局又一局充满欺骗的游戏。 Lies are just games full of deceit. 15、不是因为寂寞才爱你,只是因为爱你才寂寞。 I love you not because I am lonely, but because I love you. 16、我用尽一生的思念,只为等你出现。 I miss you all my life, just waiting for you to appear. 17、花开了,你也和我一样在赏花吗? The flowers are blooming. Are you enjoying the flowers like me? 18、别问我思念多重,不重的,像一座秋山的落叶。 Don't ask me how much I miss, what is not heavy is like the fallen leaves of an autumn mountain. 19、我想你了,第一句话是假的,第二句话也是假的。 I miss you, the first sentence is false, the second sentence is false. 20、白茶清欢无别事,在等风亦等你。 There is nothing else for the white tea. I'm waiting for the wind and I'm waiting for you. 21、红颜易老,怎奈流觞? Beauty is easy to grow old, but how can it flow? 22、失望累积到一个度,我就会离开,从此不回头。 Disappointment accumulated to a degree, I will leave, never look back. 23、思念你就和咳嗽一样,再怎么制止都无能为力。 Missing you is the same as coughing, no matter how to stop it. 24、我承认,我想你了。 I admit, I miss you. 25、也许你走出了我的视线,却没走出我的思念。 Maybe you walk out of my sight, but not out of my missing. 26、你应该是一场梦,我应该是一阵风,注定只能想念。 You should be a dream, I should be a gust of wind, destined to miss only. 27、想你太易,念你太难,却又不愿意释然。 It's too easy to miss you, it's too hard to miss you, but I don't want to be relieved. 28、模糊地迷恋你一场,就当风雨下潮涨,总会退。 Vaguely infatuated with you, when the wind and rain tide, always retreat. 29、不要试图去理解所有事,有时我们不需理解,只需接受。 Don't try to understand everything. Sometimes we don't need to understand, we just need to accept. 30、未曾谋面,思念至极。 I miss you so much that I have never met you. 31、我喜欢现在的自己,我怀念过去的我们。 I like myself now, I miss us in the past. 32、听不到的笑声,看不到的笑容,得不到的幸福。 Can't hear the laughter, can't see the smile, can't get happiness. 33、有点饿,有点想你,想打开饿了么点个你。 A little hungry, a little miss you, want to open hungry a little you. 34、纵我不往,子宁不俟音。 Even if I don't go, zining won't wait for the sound. 35、有些人那么远,却那么近;有些人那么近,却那么远。 Some people are so far away, but so close; Some people are so close, but so far away. 36、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。 Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone. 37、从来没有人来过我的心上,我只是你中途过站的地方。 No one has ever come to my heart. I'm just the place where you stop halfway. 38、月下饮茶,念卿天涯。 Drinking tea under the moon, reading the world. 39、实不相瞒,非常想你,我还能忍,问题不大。 To be honest, I miss you very much. I can bear it. It's not a big problem. 40、只是在睡觉时,梦见和你在一起,醒来时,我会想你。 Just in sleep, dream of being with you, wake up, I will miss you. 41、思君不可追,念君何时归。 I can't chase you when I think of you. 42、天涯地角又穷时,只有相思无尽处。 When the ends of the earth and poor, only Acacia endless place. 43、你的小心眼和坏脾气我都依你,全世界我最宝贝你。 I depend on you for your careful eyes and bad temper. I treasure you the most in the world. 44、回想今天我好像只做了一件事,就是想你。 Looking back today, I seem to have done only one thing, that is, miss you. 45、隔着遥远的距离,用招摇的方式爱你。 I love you in a flamboyant way from afar. 46、华佗再世,相思未必能治。 After Hua Tuo's rebirth, Acacia may not be cured. 47、数着日子过日子,用尽思念去思念。 Count the days to live, use up the missing to miss. 48、天冷了多穿点衣服,毕竟我又不能抱你。 It's cold. Put on more clothes. After all, I can't hold you. 49、清风以北过南港,南港故人不知归。 North of the breeze, Nangang, Nangang old people do not know where to go. 50、一种相思,两处闲愁。 A kind of Acacia, two leisure sorrow. 51、Miss,同一个单词,既是想念,也是错过。 Miss, the same word, is both missing and missing. 52、以后的路,我好好过,你慢慢走,都别回头。 After the road, I had a good, you walk slowly, do not look back. 53、思念可以让你流泪,思念也可以让人含笑。 Missing can make you cry, missing can also make people smile. 54、一花一世界,一叶一追寻,一曲一场叹,一生为一人。 A flower a world, a leaf a search, a song a sigh, life for a person. 55、相互不说话的日子,你在干嘛。 What are you doing when you don't talk to each other. 56、一丝思念,平常不失真切。 A trace of missing is usually true. 57、愿你我往后路途无悲常喜,所流眼泪皆因喜极而泣。 May you and I have no sorrow or joy on our way, and all our tears will be filled with joy. 58、我要把对你的思念,用云层包裹成一个漫长的句点。 I want to wrap my missing for you into a long period with clouds. 59、沉默是深情的人最大的哭声,如果你懂。 Silence is the biggest cry of affectionate people, if you understand. 60、眼风一直吹着,我的思念也一直随风飘着。 Eye wind has been blowing, my thoughts have been floating with the wind. 61、有点饿,有点儿想你,想打开饿了么点个你。 I'm a little hungry. I miss you a little. I want to open the door. I'm a little hungry. 62、不想和你看同一个月亮了,想和你一同看月亮。 I don't want to see the same moon with you. I want to see the moon with you. 63、还好思念无声,怕你震耳欲聋。 Fortunately missing silent, afraid you deafening. 64、爱你爱的心欢畅,朝思暮想,是痴想。 Love you, love heart happy, day and night, is wishful thinking. 65、只要有想见的人,就不是孤单一人。 As long as there are people who want to see, they are not alone. 66、我的心,一半是你的人,一半是你留给我的回忆。 My heart, half of your people, half of the memories you left me. 67、你来过就走,好似这场骤雨,漫长等待是否还有意义。 You come and go, like this shower, long wait is still meaningful. 68、人有生死三千疾,唯有相思不可医。 People have three thousand diseases of life and death, only Acacia can not be cured. 69、晓看天色暮看云,行也思君,坐也思君。 When you see the sky at dawn and the clouds at dusk, you think of you when you walk and you think of you when you sit. 70、你似是老故人,见面无言,背后思念。 You are like an old friend, speechless when you meet, missing behind. 71、喜鹊临枝,凭添凄凉,心无所望,泪洒裙裳! Magpie Pro branch, with add desolate, heart no hope, tears shed skirt clothes! 72、世界太大还是遇见你,世界太小还是丢了你。 The world is too big or meet you, the world is too small or lost you. 73、书不成字,纸短情长。 A book is not a word. 74、今夜我遇见了世上的一切,但不会遇见你。 I met everything in the world tonight, but I won't meet you. 75、冬雨蒙蒙,营造无边的浪漫。 Winter rain, create boundless romance. 76、宇宙的无垠,山月的洁白,闹市的烟火,都想说与你听。 The boundlessness of the universe, the whiteness of the mountains and the moon, and the fireworks in the downtown, all want to talk to you. 77、好心情有很多种,见到你是第一种。 There are many kinds of good mood, to see you is the first. 78、不是某人使你烦恼,而是你拿某人的言行来烦恼自己。 It's not someone who annoys you, it's you who annoy yourself with someone's words and deeds. 79、夜里有腐烂的梦,梦里有重复的人。 There are rotten dreams in the night, and there are repeat people in the dreams. 80、我不能给你全世界,但是,我的世界,全部给你。 I can't give you the whole world, but I give you all my world.






· 冷眼旁观拼音:lěngyǎnpángg

冷眼旁观  拼音:lěng yǎn páng guān  释义:冷眼:冷静或冷漠的眼光。指不参与其事,站在一旁看事情的发展。  出处:唐·徐夤上卢三拾遗以言...